The Baby Foot Challenge

Safest way to maintain soft healthy skin on your feet is to routinely use a pumice stone after bathing and a cream moisturizer. A cream or an ointment will be better than a lotion.

Recently I conducted my own little experiment to help rid mine and my boyfriends callused heels. While scrolling through Instagram, an ad for “Baby Foot” exfoliator popped up. I clicked the ad and scrolled through some images. This product’s goal is to gradually peel all of the hard dry skin from your feel. The photos did not disappoint, there were bunches of images of dry cracked peeling feel. It was like those gross YouTube videos that you just can stop watching. Large pieces of skin being peeled from the soles.

After seeing those images I knew this was something I had to try. I recruited my boyfriend to undergo the experiment with me. Before using this product make sure that you do not have any open cuts or sores. If you have a sensitivity to salicylic or glycol acid avoid this product. Consult a doctor if you have eczema, psoriasis or other dermatologic conditions. Individuals with Diabetes should avoid this product.

We filled a basin with water, tuned in to the Olympics and prepared for baby soft feet. Instructions recommend soaking your feet in warm water for 10 minutes prior to use. Next you don the plastic booties filled with the exfoliator. Rise afterward and wait for the magic to happen.

The product predicts 2-7 days for the peeling to start. After reading some reviews we decided to soak our feet in warm water again, several nights after the initial application this helped bring on the peeling. This really helped and if we ever do it again, we will make time for soaks during the week, long warm hot shower helped endure the peel also! Try to avoid moisturizer during this time. You want the dead skin to separate from the healthy skin beneath.

Once the process began, oh my. We couldn’t stop it, the dry peeling went on for days and days. Don’t do this process too close to a vacation, you will be completely embarrassed poolside if the peeling hasn’t ceased.

For days layers of skin peeled from our feet, it was gross. I went to a trusted, vetted nail salon for a pedicure to help shed some layers. The technician was shocked and immediately asked what was going on. She was impressed with the results and took down the information to try it herself.

When all was said and done, yes my feet are smooth and callus free! But the process was more of a commitment than expected. I purposely neglected normal callus maintenance prior to the experiment to have a more impactful result. If you have struggled with hard callused heel and do not have any of the restrictions above, it may be helpful.

Safest way to maintain soft healthy skin on your feet is to routinely use a pumice stone after bathing and a cream moisturizer. A cream or an ointment will be better than a lotion.

Wearing socks at night after applying the moisturizer will increase the effectiveness. Wear socks in shoes, avoid walking barefoot on hard surfaces. These tips can help to prevent and treat hard callused skin. Feel free to consult one of our podiatrists for a personalized consult and recommendations!

**Information on this website does not create a physician-patient relationship or constitute medical advice for a specific patient. Information provided does not replace the need for face-to-face consultation with a physician. We are not promoting or endorsing any product or service mentioned on the site and doesn’t address the quality of any product or service.