Diabetic Foot Care

Diabetes can have severe effects on feet if left unchecked. Premier Podiatry & Orthopedics will make sure you get the care you need.

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If you live with diabetes, you likely do not have to be told how important managing your health is. Managing what you eat, managing exercise, managing medications—and that is just part of it. However, for individuals living with diabetes, proper foot care is a crucial component of overall health management.

Diabetes can increase the risk of various foot complications, but with the right knowledge and proactive measures, you can significantly reduce these risks. This comprehensive guide will outline why diabetic foot care is essential, provide practical tips for daily care, and explain how Premier Podiatry & Orthopedics can support you in maintaining healthy feet.

We know you already have plenty to keep track of, but consider sharpening your wits in diabetic foot care. The proper attention could save you from infection, or worse, amputation. At Premier Podiatry & Orthopedics, we are committed to helping you maintain optimal foot health and prevent diabetic foot complications.

Why Should Diabetics Care about Their Feet?

People with diabetes are more susceptible to foot problems due to two primary factors: poor circulation and nerve damage (neuropathy).

Poor Circulation

Diabetes can also impair circulation, particularly in the extremities. Poor blood flow to the feet can result in slow healing of wounds, increased risk of infections, and a higher likelihood of complications. Reduced circulation can further exacerbate the impact of other foot conditions and delay healing processes.

Diabetic Neuropathy

Diabetic neuropathy is a condition in which high blood sugar levels cause nerve damage over time. It often affects the feet, leading to loss of sensation, tingling, or burning sensations. Numbness can make it challenging to detect injuries or ulcers, which may worsen if left untreated.

Complications like heel fissures and diabetic ulcers can rapidly develop from even small injuries, since you may not be able to feel the progression of pain. Injuries grow worse and worse until they require serious attention.

What You Can Do for Your Diabetic Foot Care

Do not worry. Good diabetic foot care can keep you from the most serious conditions. Any cuts, sores, wounds, cracks, or swelling may require treatment from an expert at Premier Podiatry & Orthopedics. It is better to get help for something small rather than let something get out of control.

is better to get help for something small rather than let something get out of control.

The worst thing you can do is let the problem fester. If you neglect to check your feet or do not have them checked out by a doctor, you could develop an ulcer that eats away at the tissue and bone in your foot. The severity of these wounds can quickly escalate, leaving no choice but to amputate a part of your toe, foot, or leg.

By adopting these proactive measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of diabetic foot complications and maintain optimal foot health:

  • Inspect Your Feet Daily: The first rule is to inspect your feet daily. If you cannot see the bottom of your feet, use a mirror or have someone else check for you. Even a selfie stick will work well. Carefully examine your feet for any redness, blisters, cuts, sores, or changes in skin color or temperature.
  • Wash Your Feet Daily: Use warm water and mild soap to gently clean your feet, ensuring thorough drying, especially between the toes, to prevent moisture-related infections. You can also use a pumice stone to scrub away calluses will keep your feet soft and supple and prevent cracked heels. To seal in extra moisture, put on lotion right after you get out of the bath.
  • Trim Nails Carefully: Trim your toenails straight across and file the edges gently to avoid ingrown toenails or cuts. You will want to exercise extreme caution when clipping your nails. If your toenails are too thick or brittle, we can help with nail trimming in our offices.
  • Avoid Going Barefoot: When your feet are bare, you risk stepping on a nail, glass, or anything else that might puncture your sole. You could also get a splinter, which is difficult to remove. Protect your feet from potential injuries by always wearing shoes or slippers, even indoors.
  • Do Not Use Nail Clippers for Calluses, Warts, or Corns: Leave the removal of these foot conditions to our podiatrists to avoid complications. If you have a problem that would require you to use an over-the-counter wart remover or corn cream, visit our offices, where we can give you advice and products you can trust.
  • Wear Proper Fitting Shoes: Choose footwear that provides adequate support, cushioning, and protection. Avoid tight or pointed shoes that may cause friction or pressure points. High heels and narrow shoes will only crowd your toes and worsen small problems. If you need custom orthotics, we can prescribe a pair that fits your exact needs.

If you encounter any foot-related issues or experience changes in sensation, pain, or wounds that are not healing, do not delay seeking professional help. Our team at Premier Podiatry & Orthopedics is equipped with the expertise and resources to address diabetic foot concerns promptly and effectively.

What Premier Podiatry & Orthopedics Can Do for Your Diabetic Foot Care

At Premier Podiatry & Orthopedics, our specialized team is dedicated to providing comprehensive diabetic foot care. We offer a range of services to address your unique needs, and will always provide you with the best treatment options available.

Annual Evaluations to Monitor Progress

We recommend that everyone with diabetes should have an annual check-up on their diabetic foot care. Regular foot evaluations are essential to monitor your foot health and identify any potential issues before they become severe. Our team will conduct thorough examinations, assess nerve function and circulation, and provide personalized recommendations to maintain optimal foot health.

When Complications Come Up, We Can Help

If you do develop complications such as foot ulcers, infections, or Charcot foot, our experienced team will develop a personalized treatment plan to promote healing and prevent further damage.


Contact Us Today for Help with Diabetic Foot Care

Proactive diabetic foot care is vital for preventing complications and maintaining a high quality of life. If you have any other questions about diabetic foot care, do not be afraid to ask. We can treat the more mundane issues as well as tackle the more significant complications that come with diabetes and your feet.

Our team is committed to providing comprehensive care to help you manage diabetes-related foot conditions effectively. Take the first step towards optimal foot health by calling Premier Podiatry & Orthopedics in Carmichael, Folsom, and Roseville, CA, at 916-961-3434. If you prefer, you can also contact us online. Schedule an appointment and let us support you on your journey to maintaining healthy and happy feet.

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