4 Possible Treatment Options for Hip Pain

Are you seeking treatment options for hip pain? Premier Podiatry & Orthopedics in Carmichael and Roseville can help.

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Our hips carry us through life – perhaps more than we really know, until chronic pain turns even simple motions and tasks into grueling ordeals.

At Premier Podiatry & Orthopedics, we have seen and helped patients with a wide range of conditions at the source of their hip pain. Our goal for all of them is the same: to alleviate their symptoms and help them be able to enjoy the things they love to do.

4 Possible Treatment Options for Hip Pain

A Personalized Plan for Hip Pain Relief

Our approach to each case of hip pain can vary greatly from patient to patient. We will be focusing on four types of treatment here, but there are plenty more that may come up in discussion during an appointment. More than one simultaneous form of treatment may be suggested, too, based on the circumstances surrounding the condition.

Yet whatever forms of treatment we recommend, you can always be assured of several things:

  • Our recommendations will be made based on what we believe will best meet your personal needs and goals (which means learning how your pain is affecting your life).
  • We will always recommend non-surgical options if we believe they may be viable (but we can’t always guarantee they will be).
  • We will gladly answer any questions or concerns you may have to help you decide how to move forward. You will never be pushed into any form of treatment you do not understand.

With that said, here are four potential treatment routes for hip pain.

Stretches, Exercise, and Conditioning

Movement might seem counterintuitive to treating a condition where movement causes discomfort, but having a plan that improves strength, conditioning, and mobility can be an extremely helpful factor in reducing pain and lessening the risks of further trouble in the future.

Controlled, deliberate movements such as stretching and resistance exercise can help in a variety of ways, based on the cause of hip pain at hand. They can help relieve pressure on nerves, lessen strain on muscles and connective tissues, and even help you avoid secondary compensating motions that are contributing to the problem.

The hip is a joint with many connections that is made to move in many ways, so it is very important that a plan be organized that best meets your specific needs without doing any unintended damage. In other words, consult with us or another expert before picking up any new routines or activities.

Hip Arthroscopy

Arthroscopy is a form of surgery in which thin tools are inserted through a small incision, allowing us to view and manipulate the hip with as little traumatic impact to the body as possible. This less invasive procedure typically results in less pain and a faster overall recovery time compared to an open surgery.

Hip arthroscopy may be recommended for pain that results from soft tissue damage surrounding the joint, whether through trauma or other means. It may also be an effective option if excess bone must be trimmed from an area that is being compressed or pinched.

Total Hip Replacement

Whereas arthroscopy can allow us to perform specific procedures in and around the hip joint, a total hip replacement is a much larger operation.

Just as it sounds, a total hip replacement consists of removing the damaged bone and soft tissue of the hip. These are then replaced with prosthetics that are fit into the remaining bone.

Hip replacements tend to be performed more often on patients 50 and older, but that does not mean younger patients can’t benefit from it if needed as well.

While a hip replacement can be an outstanding option for many experiencing chronic hip pain and limited mobility, the replacement itself is not invincible. It can wear with excessive force over time, and many high-impact activities may not be recommended after a procedure.

Pain Management Injections

Injections of cortisone or other pain-relieving agents may be recommended to provide temporary relief from hip pain. They can also be an effective tool in diagnosing the source of that pain, allowing us to take more direct steps to address it.

By guiding injections to various specific areas and gauging the effects of relief, we can determine whether the pain is coming from the hip joint itself, or an adjacent structure.

Injections should rarely be considered a permanent plan for pain relief, but they can provide immediate, temporary relief before other actions are taken.

Take the First Steps Toward Increased Comfort and Mobility

As we noted earlier, while these are some potential treatment options for hip pain, they do not compose the entire list. There are other forms of treatment that are specific to certain conditions or situations that we might recommend during your examination, once we have taken the time to properly learn about your case.

But one thing will always be true: delaying treatment for any form of chronic pain – whether in your hips or elsewhere – only increases the risk of a problem becoming even more severe and longer-lasting. Let us help you get to the root of the problem and start addressing it effectively.

Schedule an appointment with us by calling (916) 961-3434. We will be more than happy to see you.

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