Cold Laser Therapy

Our Providers use cold laser therapy to aid healing for conditions like plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis, and other tendon, ligament, and muscle injuries.

The therapy sends energy pulses at different light wavelengths into the treatment area. Laser light is a powerful anti-inflammatory, and can also reduce swelling from edema. This helps relieve pain as soon as you have your first treatment session, but the benefits of cold laser therapy don’t end there.
Cheerful cosmetologist holding gadget for laser epilation

Cold Laser Therapy

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What is Cold Laser Therapy?

Cold laser therapy or MLS (Multiwave Locked System) Laser Therapy is an effective, noninvasive treatment option for patients who have acute pain or chronic pain conditions. 

We use cold laser therapy to aid healing for conditions like plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis, and other tendon, ligament, and muscle injuries.

The therapy sends energy pulses at different light wavelengths into the treatment area. Laser light is a powerful anti-inflammatory, and can also reduce swelling from edema. This helps relieve pain as soon as you have your first treatment session, but the benefits of cold laser therapy don’t end there.

The MLS laser energy can penetrate right down into your tissues, where it stimulates cell regrowth and boosts healthy cell production. As a result, your body can repair and regenerate damaged soft tissues faster and more efficiently.

MLS Laser Therapy provides relief from soft tissue pain and inflammation, so you don’t have to use prescription painkillers. It can also help injuries like wounds and ulcers to heal more quickly. 

The result is that we can help patients recover from their injuries and regain mobility far more rapidly.

Is Cold Laser Therapy Safe?

Cold laser therapy is very safe, as long as you only go to a qualified medical professional, like those at our offices. The practice uses MLS Laser Therapy, which is one of the most technologically advanced cold laser therapy devices available.

There is plenty of evidence that MLS Laser Therapy is both safe and effective. Researchers at the prestigious Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, conducted a study of MLS Laser Therapy that confirmed its safety and efficacy. In addition, the system has FDA approval.

MLS Laser Therapy doesn’t cause any side effects, and most patients who undergo the treatment say they don’t feel any unpleasant sensations.

How Many MLS Laser Therapy Sessions Would I Need?

The effects of your MLS Laser Therapy treatments increase over time as you have more sessions. Most patients report feeling a reduction in pain before their third treatment session.

We recommend between seven and 10 MLS Laser Therapy treatment sessions to achieve optimal benefit. A session might only last for a few minutes, so it doesn’t take a big chunk out of your day.

If you’d like to find out more about MLS Laser Therapy and how it could help with your painful soft tissue problems, call us today or book an appointment online.

Laser Therapy - Will MLS Laser Therapy Work for Me?