Foot Laceration Treatment – Do’s and Don’ts

The kind of treatment that should be given for a foot laceration depends on the cause and severity of the wound. There are different kinds of lacerations.

foot laceration occurs when the skin of the feet is cut or punctured due to external trauma. A laceration can be a graze that cuts through the skin superficially or it can be a deep wound that involves the tendons, muscles, ligaments or bones.

Foot Laceration Treatment

The kind of treatment that should be given for a foot laceration depends on the cause and severity of the wound. There are different kinds of lacerations.

Foot Laceration Treatments include:

  • Grazes
  • Superficial cuts
  • Punctures
  • Deep cuts

Graze – Do’s and Don’ts

A graze can occur due to a fall or even from stubbing the feet against something hard. The top layer of skin could get peeled off, leading to some bleeding. This usually doesn’t need a medical consult.

  •        What you should do is clean it up with an antiseptic wipe and then apply an antiseptic ointment on it.
  •        What you shouldn’t do is expose the grazed area to any kind of infective surface till it dries up.

Superficial Cuts – Do’s and Don’ts

A superficial cut can happen due to an accident or injury involving something sharp. It won’t be too deep and will not need stitches. But, if it bleeds a lot, you may need a medical consult.

  •        What you should do is apply pressure on the wound till it stops bleeding.
  •        What you must not do is apply any topical ointment without first seeing a doctor.

Puncture Wounds – Do’s and Don’ts

A puncture wound is a deep wound that occurs due to something sharp and pointed, like a nail. The opening will be small and it won’t bleed a lot. It may not need stitches, but a medical consult is necessary to check how deep the wound is and if any tendons or muscles have been damaged.

  •        What you must do is put pressure on the wound, clean it up and see a doctor immediately.
  •        What you must not do is apply a plaster over it and ignore it.

Deep Cuts – Do’s and Don’ts

A deep cut can cause external and internal bleeding. It could occur from injuries involving an accident, broken glass, an altercation, etc. Deep cuts need a medical consult. The podiatrist will have to check the wound thoroughly to assess the damage. If the cut isn’t too deep, stitches may suffice. Deeper cuts may need small surgical procedures. Very severe cuts may need multiple procedures that may involve a skin graft surgery.

  •        What you must do in case of a severe cut is call a doctor immediately.
  •        What you must not do is try to treat it yourself.

In case of an open foot laceration, it is always better to have a podiatrist take a look and get a tetanus shot if necessary.