The Many Benefits of Massage for Neuropathy

Dr. Gavin Ripp explains the many benefits of massage for Neuropathy, especially with the holidays coming, relief will allow you to have the best of times.

With the holiday season coming up fast, neuropathy sufferers may be concerned that their symptoms will get in the way of shopping for the perfect gift or hosting a festive party. Well, worry no more! Neuropathy doesn’t have to slow you down or keep you from your holiday plans. You can get rid of uncomfortable symptoms with a fabulous foot massage. So, kick back, put your feet up, and let the treatment begin!

Not only is massage therapy for neuropathy relaxing for you and your feet, it can also de-stress the nerves that are causing you issues like tingling, numbness, and burning. These discomforts are eased when massaged muscles loosen, placing less pressure on the nerves. At the same time, endorphins that tend to be released with massage act as your body’s natural painkillers, further minimizing neuropathy pain.

Other benefits that a massage can have for those with neuropathy include the restoration of mobility that may have been lost due to your condition, as well as an increase in circulation, which helps to bring healing nutrients to your damaged nerves and in turn relieve symptoms.

So before you make that list and check it twice, hit the mall, stuff that turkey, or hang your stocking with care, make sure you make a massage (or two!) a part of your holiday plans. Massage therapy for neuropathy is very beneficial to living comfortably with the condition and getting in your holiday fun! Besides, who doesn’t enjoy a nice foot massage?

Contact Us for Treatment

Learn more about treatments for neuropathy and how we can help you get through the holidays without a hitch. Call 916-961-3434 to reach our Carmichael, CA office for an appointment. We’ll help you get those feet to stop tingling and start feeling great!

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