8 Ways to Avoid Swollen Feet & Ankles

Swollen feet are typically the result of fluid retention at the feet and ankles. Luckily, this swelling is something that you can work to prevent. Here at Precision Foot and Ankle Centers , we talk to patients dealing with this issue often, so we put together this list of 8 ways to prevent it.

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There is nothing worse than trying to slip on your shoes and not being able to because of swollen feet. We all experience swollen feet every now and again. Whether you’re not taking your usual care during a trip or you’ve had a particularly stressful week that has resulted in swelling, it’s not a fun sensation to deal with!

How to Prevent Swollen Feet

Swollen feet are typically the result of fluid retention at the feet and ankles. Luckily, this swelling is something that you can work to prevent. Here at Precision Foot and Ankle Centers, we talk to patients dealing with this issue often, so we put together this list of 8 ways to prevent it.

  1. Eat well. Salty foods will cause you to retain fluid – especially in your extremities. Eat high-sodium salty foods only in moderation.
  2. Stay hydrated. Some people get worried that drinking more fluids will cause more fluid retention. However, water can help clear excessive sodium from your system, which will help prevent swelling.
  3. Shift positions regularly. If you have to be seated for a long period of time – for travel, for work, or for leisure – your legs will get tired if they stay in the same position. Move them around and switch their position to keep the blood flowing.
  4. Uncross your legs. If you’re sitting for a long time, your circulation is slowed. It’s even more slowed when you cross your legs. Keep your blood flowing by sitting without crossed legs.
  5. Stretch often. If you are able, get up and stretch as much as possible to keep your blood pumping to your legs.
  6. Wear compression socks. Compression socks – especially ones that extend to your knees – will help prevent swelling. Endurance athletes regularly use compression socks after racing. They also come in fun patterns in colors nowadays!
  7. Wear comfortable shoes. Whether you’re on your feet or seated, opt for comfort over fashion always. Tight, constricting shoes that offer not support or give will cause swelling in your feet.
  8. Elevate your feet. Keeping your feet elevated helps improve circulation. If possible, raise your feet and legs when you’re seated.

Are you dealing with swollen feet or ankles regularly?

These simple tips can help make a difference! For chronically swollen legs or other foot and ankle issues that could be contributing to swelling, be sure to get in touch with our podiatrists for an appointment. Contact any of our locations in Los Angeles, Torrance, and Pedro, CA today!

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